Friday, 19 October 2012

Game of Thrones title sequence analysis

Frame 1: In the initial shot the genre of the show is revealed. The use of dragons links it to the fantasy genre. The bright light used goes alongside the dragons, and could be said to be the breath of a dragon.

Frame 2: The use of the map in this shot shows the vast expanse of land in which the show will be set it.

Frame 3: Clockwork effects used in these shots could suggest the passing of time and the length of which the series runs.

Frame 4: The tall building used in these shots suggests civilisation and progress. We also see some titles in this show, which are in a very retro and acient font which suggests the time period of the show.

Frame 5: The small houses used in this shot show a contrasts between the tall buildings used in the previous shot. It shows the rich conditions that people in the cities live in, in comparison to the small cramped condition which peasants live in.

Frame 6: The use of the tree with a face on suggests some type of deity, which links the show in with religion and gives it a mythical feel.

Frame 7: In this shot we see a continuation of the first shot with the dragons, however it is slightly changed. This is like a storyboard of the show. The use of the dark tones in contrast with the light suggest a battle between good and evil.

Frame 8: The cold setting shown in this shot shows a contrast to the more summery landscapes shown previously. The use of the big ice wall could show trying to keep something out of the summer environment, maybe some type of evil.

Frame 9: In the final shot the title of the series is introduced. "Game of Thrones" suggests confusion within the monarchy as it is usually a serious thing.

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